About Me
Hi, I’m Robyn Hatfield. I have a passion for small business. I love business. I love reading, listening, and learning about businesses. I love the passion and the fire you see in people when they talk about their business. I love hearing the ‘this is how our business started’ stories every day. I love taking tours of facilities, shops, offices and learning about all the amazing things local businesses have done.
I love sales & marketing ! I love sales and marketing. I’m not talking about the type of sales that makes you feel icky. I love REAL sales…GOOD sales…PROFESSIONAL sales. So often we have a bad taste in our mouth with salespeople. I believe that’s because there are so many people doing it incorrectly. Sales is about listening and truly understanding the customer/client.
Sales is about creating a solution. And it’s also about saying ‘no, I can’t help you’ when that is appropriate (and referring the person on to someone that can). Every business’ goal should be to create a strong marketing plan and sales strategy that allows you to get in front of the right people, give them an opportunity to learn about the company and their goals, concerns, and challenges, and provide a solid solution that creates a WIN WIN for everyone. I believe in WIN-WIN or NO GO!
I love helping small businesses take back control over their marketing!
Small business owners are the bravest people in the world. And they are also the busiest. Business owners have so many things to worry about and so many things to do, they don’t have the ability to focus on their marketing efforts.
So what happens? They know they have to do something. But they lack the time or expertise to get the BEST marketing for their specific business and for them. So an ad salesperson calls and lets them know they can get them ‘100,000 listeners’ or ‘10,000 eyeballs.’ And they put money into it.
Does it work? Maybe, but not usually. Because they didn’t determine who their ideal client was, where they were, what they need, how to get to them, how to stay in front of them and so much more (for more information on this, sign up for our free webinar at www.JSBTampa.com/seminars).
And the business owner does not have the time or knowledge to really track and monitor the different marketing programs. So they don’t know exactly how each is performing. They know they are getting clients. But because they are not tracking, they don’t know which programs are working and which are not. If they did know, they could eliminate non performing ads/activities, increase dollars to high performing campaigns, and continue to adjust and tweak to increase effectiveness of every ad (and decrease cost).
At JustSmallBiz Tampa (JSBTampa.com) we work with local business owners. We create and implement a marketing plan and we get clients guaranteed. We ask many questions, we do the research, and we provide15-25 pages of in depth research and analysis along with specific marketing tasks for the next 12 months.
We help our clients implement this plan while tracking, monitoring and tweaking every piece. We optimize every marketing campaign to ensure our clients get the most out of every marketing dollar.
And we guarantee we will generate an additional $5,000 (at a minimum) over the 12 months or we will pay $10,000.
I believe in networking and I believe in supporting local business! I enjoy networking with other business owners and business professionals. I love being able to buy from these business and refer to these businesses. This helps keep our local economy strong and helps everyone! I work directly with a group called I Support Local Business (ISLB). This group’s mission is to help YOU get more business and be more successful. Check us out at www.ISupportLocalBusinessFL.com and www.Facebook.com/ISLBFL.
I help new entrepreneurs START their business! I provide a ‘Start a Biz in Brevard’ kit that helps local Brevard County Florida aspiring entrepreneurs start their business. I do this by providing all the necessary paperwork, tax forms, human resources and operations manuals, as well as marketing and sales information. For more information, go to www.StartABizInBrevard.com.
Let’s Connect! Connect with me on social media!
Want to grab coffee or tea? I would love to meet! Click on the floating link and set up a time to meet with me!